The large review about LED Grow lights

Changing housing spaces into a garden

People who love their plants, endeavor to create the best conditions for them to make them grow and flourish properly. Not only water but also right lighting is essential. A lot of plants depend on a continuously high supply of light. But the weather cannot always provide perfect circumstances. Spatial and lighting conditions also play an important role at home.

When there is not enough day light, special lights are required which provide the optimal supply. An LED lamp for plants is excellent for this purposes. The low energy consumption is the major advantage. The extremely energy-efficient grow lights can be used several times a day for a long period of time without having a guilty conscience about the environment or the fact that electricity costs might grow. Using the modern LED technology, the need of light can be covered for all plants, no matter where their are placed.

An additional advantage is the minimal development of heat. While other lamps can heat up and damage plants or need a lot of energy to cool down, LED lamps guarantee a gentle provision of light. In order to get a quick overview of grow lamps, check our comparison of grow lights which presents all LED grow lights succinctly. If you want any further information to any product, click „read test report“ in the last line.

The LED Grow lights comparison TaoTronics, Apollo Horticulture, Roleadro®, VIPASPECTRA and Roleadro®

TaoTronics Grow Light E27
TaoTronics Grow Light E27
Apollo Horticulture 180 W Grow Light
Apollo Horticulture 180 W Grow Light
Roleadro® 300 W LED Grow Light
Roleadro® 300 W LED Grow Light
Roleadro® COB Grow Light
Roleadro® COB Grow Light
Award Allrounder Round High-Power Advanced Power Lamp
Customer reviewsNo customer reviewNo customer reviewNo customer reviewNo customer reviewNo customer review
Weight0.6 lbs5.4 lbs5.95 lbs6.4 lbs11.5 lbs
Power consumption12 - 36 watts180 watts145 watts450 watts800 watts
Light powerNot specified3400 lumens5800 lumensNot specified7760 lumens
Amount of LEDs1260100Not specified128
TestRead ReviewRead ReviewRead ReviewRead ReviewRead Review

Allrounder TaoTronics Grow Light E27 Review

TaoTronics Grow Light E27 - LED-Grow lights product image
Weight 0.6 lbs
Power consumption 12 - 36 watts
Light power Not specified
Amount of LEDs 12
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This LED grow light is meant to speed up the growth of any kind of plants at home. They an also be used in flower shops. It is also suitable for the domestic market gardening. Nine red and three blue lights offer a balanced provision of light. The best conditions for the photosynthesis are guaranteed through the wavelengths of LEDs. The plants look more vital and healthier due to the stimulated production of chlorophyll.

Cost can be kept low also for a long utilization as the power consumption accounts only 12 watt. The grow lamp is constantly cool even in a long-term usage. According to some extremely positive reviews by customers, the lamp is convincing at all points. Applications areas are versatile and range from bonsai or chilis and tomatoes to tropical plants. Grow lamps function as a substitute or addition to natural light when day light is not enough.

Beside this grow light of 12 watt, TaoTronics offers other versions of it for more power like 24 watt and 36 watt as a high-power type which can be used in greenhouses and is available for an affordable price.

TaoTronics LED Growbox summarized

part of our
Top 5
The Allrounder
09 / 2017
  • Group A of energy efficiency
  • Silent thanks to a passive cooling
  • Also applicable for water plants
  • The beam is a little bit small

Round Apollo Horticulture 180 W Grow Light

Apollo Horticulture 180 W Grow Light - LED-Grow lights product image
Weight 5.4 lbs
Power consumption 180 watts
Light power 3400 lumens
Amount of LEDs 60
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The light spectrum of that LEG grow lamp supports plants at their growth as well as during the bloom. It is a white round panel. The predominant area of use are the different indoor plants of exotic kind and the cultivation of chilis and tomatoes, for example, where the fructification is supported. The lamp is installed on the ceiling with the help of rope suspension so that the light can shine at the plants underneath. Fixing material as well as the required power cable are part of the product scope.

As a whole, an optimal light for the plant care is given by 60 LEDs with a power consumption of each three watt. The radiation angle is indicated as a mixture of 90 and 120 degrees. The lamp is CE-approved and conforms to the RoHS directives. The fan doesn’t work completely silent but still quiet soft. The grow lamp is not only available with 180 watt but also with 75 watt.

Apollo Horticulture LED Light Panel summarized

  • Full light spectrum
  • Good price-performance ratio
  • 50.000 hours of average life span

High-Power Roleadro® 300 W LED Grow Light

Roleadro® 300 W LED Grow Light - LED-Grow lights product image
Weight 5.95 lbs
Power consumption 145 watts
Light power 5800 lumens
Amount of LEDs 100
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This lamp is predominantly meant for usage in greenhouses because it has 100 luminous diodes which each a power consumption of ca. 3 watt. The company Galaxyhydro also provides a grow light with 600 watt. Three quarters of the diodes included produce a red light. Additionally, infrared rays are also used. The growth of flowers, plants and vegetables should be influenced so that the cell division is stimulated. The infrared light shines less light in service than the other lights. This is a general feature and doesn’t represent any defects.

Comparing the German and the American Amazon website wich each other, it reveals that the American reviews are way better than the German ones when it comes to this lamp. According to the producer, the cooling system is supposed to be noiseless. There are two ventilators that are responsible for the heat dissipation and are approved by the independent testing center UL. The embedded IC prevents the light from flickering. The description of the product says that the light produces a bright light with a secured PAR-value. The life span of the grow light is up to 50.000 hours.

Roleadro® LED Greenhouse Lamp summarized

  • Infrared rays offer a better growth
  • IC prevents flickering
  • Life span up to 50.000 hours

Advanced VIPASPECTRA LED Grow Light

VIPASPECTRA LED Grow Light - LED-Grow lights product image
Weight 6.4 lbs
Power consumption 450 watts
Light power Not specified
Amount of LEDs Not specified
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This product by VIPASPECTRA is a full spectrum grow light for all kinds of indoor plants, vegetables and flowers. It is ideal for all growth stages. This grow light offers a very bright light with 450 watt. The special thing about it is the fact that the case consists of a cooling heat sink to prevent heat extension. Extra high speed cooling fans run 70% cooler than HID lights. The producer claims that the full spectrum of this light provides plants with everything they desire in a natural sunlight. The product has the opportunity to switch between spectrums, the veg and a bloom switch.

In addition to that, reflector series by VIPASPECTRA are scientifically engineered to keep the balance with high PAR-value and a suitable coverage. It is not waterproof. The life span of this light lasts up to 100.000 hours. The scope of delivery includes one reflector, a hanging kit and a power cord of 6ft.

According to some reviews by customers, the power cord is too short so that the application area might be restricted. Furthermore, some complained about the lights being too hot for the plants or not hot enough so that their plants wouldn’t grow. Others claimed about flickering light or malfunctions of the buttons. The product is able to be controlled by a timer which enables individual adjustments. Most of the customers are satisfied with this product, though and would argue that it is worth its money due to its features.

VIPASPECTRA LED Reflector Grow Light summarized

part of our
Top 5
The Advanced
09 / 2017
  • 3 years warranty
  • Controlled with a timer
  • Too much heat
  • Flickering light

Power Lamp Roleadro® COB Grow Light

Roleadro® COB Grow Light - LED-Grow lights product image
Weight 11.5 lbs
Power consumption 800 watts
Light power 7760 lumens
Amount of LEDs 128
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Growth and bloom of plants and vegetables benefit from that powerful grow lights. This lamp is also available with a 800 watt power consumption. It can be used in a greenhouse as well as in the domestic plant breeding. The surface that is illuminated should be between one and eight square meters. According to the producer, a high PAR value is given. Moreover, the colors are unitary and a lot of blue and red light is applied. The light is generally nicely absorbed and the light output is high.

A light output of 7760 lumen can be reached. Thanks to the integrated heat dissipation system which due to its shape is called „Sunflower radiator“, the lamp cannot heat up. This fan is silent so that no disturbing noises occur. A fixture on the back side enables to connect several grow lights with each other. If customers are not satisfied with this product, they receive their purchase price back within 30 days. Furthermore, Roleadro offers a two-year guarantee.

Roleadro® LED Grow Light summarized

  • Patented technology for a better output
  • 50.000 hours of an average life span
  • Silent cooling system

Frequently Asked Questions about Grow lights

What effect does a grow lamp have?

Funktionsweise einer Pflanzenlampe

The LED grow lamp provides the required light to the plant for the energy extraction and hence for the thrive, if insolation doesn’t suffice. Through photosynthesis, a plant converts light and carbon dioxide into energy. Chlorophyll is responsible for this purpose. There are two different types of chlorophyll, namely chlorophyll a und chlorophyll b. Chlorophyll absorbs particularly light with the wavelength of 440 and 660 nm. Chlorophyll b absorbs particularly light with the wavelength of 460 and 630 nm. This wavelengths are at least necessary for a breeding of plants completely without sunlight.

Can a grow light support every plant?

Unterstützung von Pflanzen

Yes, a grow light can basically support every plant to grow and bloom. The wavelength of the light can have different effects on different kinds of plants. This is especially relevant for pros. All LEDs that sine in a blue and red spectrum, can be used for domestic purposes when there is a lack of daylight.

Which frequency ranges are being used?


Most of the LED grow lights shine in a spectral range of 430-500 nm and 610-730 nm. The first one appears bluish to the human eye, the second one reddish, so that a LED grow light emits a purple light. Some lamps only use two wavelengths of this scope, others cover the whole spectrum.

How many lumens does a plant need?


The amount of lumen of a LED grow light is irrelevant for the breeding of the plants because it only specifies how bright a lamp is for the human eye and does not reveal the amount of electro-magnetic energy which can be implemented by the plant.

Grow lights use a spectrum of wavelengths that is quite dark for the human ability to see but ideal for the energy extraction of plants. The energy which encounters plants as photon, is specified as photon flow density (PPFD) or rather as the PAR-value.

Which advantages does a LED grow light have over a sodium pressure lamp?


Compared to high pressure sodium lamp and metal halide lamps, LED grow lights seem to be quite expensive. But taking the life span of the lights into account, a LED lamp can provide a life span of partly 50.000 hours. Compared to a conventional lamp which can provide about 30.000 hours, it is obviously improved. The applied electricity is almost completely converted into light and hardly in heat by what the lamp does not overheat. This has the effect that no elaborate nor energy wasting cooling is needed. Oftentimes, a passive cooling is enough.

High pressure sodium lamps mainly produce light in a yellow-red spectrum and metal halide lamps particularly in a white-blue spectrum. Therefore, each of them support only phases of blooming or growing. LEDs however, enable a precise selection of color range so that it can be adapted specifically to the stadium of plant growth. A lot of LED grow lights have different modes whose light is perfectly adjusted to growth or bloom. Through the accuracy which LEDs produce wavelengths for the photosynthesis, the light efficiency is tremendously high. Almost all of the emitting light can be used by plants. Using conventional lamps, only half of the light can be absorbed.  

Enough light for every plant

Lighted Plant

LED grow lights help a lot of people to provide their plants with the needed supply of light, no matter if you are a gardener, a hobby gardener, if you just like plants or a shopkeeper of a flower shop. They speed up the upgrowth and take care of a dense growth. Ideal conditions can also be established for exotic plant species. The variety of products is huge and one can spend a lot of money for such a lamp without problems.

The products presented here are rather affordable. But more power costs more. Just as the grow lights by VIPASPECTRA, for example. Who is not in possession of a greenhouse and only wants to take care of indoor plants or vegetables like tomatoes, can choose a cheap version like the ones by TaoTronics. Both lamps are equipped with 12 LEDs ans are similar to each other. A good compromise to the other two lamps is the one by Galaxyhydro considering both, price as well as their power.

LED grow lights are perfectly suitable for darker rooms and places with too little light. During darker seasons, plants also get the light they require. Every plant can be nourished properly this way – reliable and economical thanks to the LED technology.

* Last update 25.06.2024 // Image credits: © nikkytok, © VTT Studio und © nikkytok - , © TaoTronics, © Apollo Horticulture, © Roleadro®, © VIPASPECTRA, © Roleadro® by