Van Heekplein Market Square

designed by /

Location / EnschedeThe Netherlands — Type / Squares and PlazasWater features — Built / 2004 Show on Google Maps / Published on July 14, 2009

Okra: Van Heekplein is a key project in the transformation Enschede’s city centre, a redevelopment with new commercial and office buildings, rerouting of traffic and an underground car park. The new market square creates a flexible space that emphasizes the constantly changing dynamic of use. Series of elements can be added or taken away, turned on or off, or moved from one position to another. On market days the square is bustling and full of the vibrancy of a regional market. On quieter days the moveable seating and wind triggered mist fountain create a completely different atmosphere. Living in the city these contrasts and dynamics make this into a space which people really want to visit.

Landscape Architecture: Okra
Client: city council Enschede
Period: 1999 – 2004

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