2023 – Landscape Architecture Platform | Landezine https://landezine.com Landscape Architecture Platform Thu, 14 Nov 2024 13:06:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 Väständaparken by Tengbom https://landezine.com/vastandaparken-by-tengbom/ https://landezine.com/vastandaparken-by-tengbom/#respond Mon, 04 Nov 2024 12:41:51 +0000 https://landezine.com/?p=112640 In the green landscape of Årsta in southern Stockholm, an established neighborhood is set to expand and densify. Årsta’s natural environment forms an integral part of the city’s green infrastructure, where islets and diverse topography with exposed bedrock contribute to the characteristic fracture valley landscape of the Mälardalen region. The city of Stockholm plans to […]]]> https://landezine.com/vastandaparken-by-tengbom/feed/ 0 Passerelle de la Troche by BTP https://landezine.com/passerelle-de-la-troche-by-btp/ https://landezine.com/passerelle-de-la-troche-by-btp/#respond Fri, 01 Nov 2024 09:45:55 +0000 https://landezine.com/?p=112557 The Troche bridge is part of a broader initiative, the “plateau-valley connections”; which aims to provide soft (pedestrian and cyclist) links between the Yvette Valley—historical core of urbanization and transportation corridor (RER)—and the Saclay Plateau, a new internationally recognized university hub under construction. These connections are spread across the Saclay campus territory, each adapted to […]]]> https://landezine.com/passerelle-de-la-troche-by-btp/feed/ 0 IKEA Copenhagen by 1:1 Landskab https://landezine.com/ikea-copenhagen-by-11-landskab/ https://landezine.com/ikea-copenhagen-by-11-landskab/#respond Thu, 24 Oct 2024 10:15:32 +0000 https://landezine.com/?p=112241 City life, biodiversity, and the best view in town await on the rooftop of IKEA in Copenhagen. Here, at 20 meters high, 1:1 Landscape has created a green sky park with wild-growing urban nature, a pathway network, and comfortable seating areas. Right in the middle of one of the capital’s busiest intersections, 1:1 Landscape and […]]]> https://landezine.com/ikea-copenhagen-by-11-landskab/feed/ 0 Skaistakalnis Park by PUPA https://landezine.com/skaistakalnis-park-by-pupa/ https://landezine.com/skaistakalnis-park-by-pupa/#respond Tue, 08 Oct 2024 21:15:46 +0000 https://landezine.com/?p=111364 Revitalizing Panevėžys’ Oldest Green Space Skaistakalnis Park is the oldest park in Panevėžys, Lithuania. Set in a scenic landscape along the bend of the Nevežis River, the park features hilly, wooded areas, small streams, and ponds. The architectural team “PUPA / Life Over Space” redesigned the park to enhance its beauty and accessibility. New bridges […]]]> https://landezine.com/skaistakalnis-park-by-pupa/feed/ 0 The Pond and the Meadow by Practice Landscape https://landezine.com/the-pond-and-the-meadow-by-practice-landscape/ https://landezine.com/the-pond-and-the-meadow-by-practice-landscape/#respond Mon, 02 Sep 2024 15:03:48 +0000 https://landezine.com/?p=110488 Alongside a steep dirt road in the southern mountains of Vermont, The Pond and the Meadow is a family retreat, a series of sunny openings in the otherwise dense canopy. The primary residence sits at the top of the slope and the pond at the bottom, held in a small valley. For many years a […]]]> https://landezine.com/the-pond-and-the-meadow-by-practice-landscape/feed/ 0 De Laat, Alkmaar by Bureau B+B https://landezine.com/de-laat-alkmaar-by-bureau-bb/ Wed, 28 Aug 2024 09:50:59 +0000 https://landezine.com/?p=110364 The next significant step towards a greener city center of Alkmaar has been taken with the transformation of de Laat. In 2020, Bureau B+B launched a strategy for the greening of the historic inner city center of Alkmaar. Besides a future perspective on the historic Bolwerkparks (old defence bastions) and greening the many shopping streets […]]]> Tench Reserve, Nepean River Parklands by CONTEXT https://landezine.com/tench-reserve-nepean-river-parklands-by-context/ https://landezine.com/tench-reserve-nepean-river-parklands-by-context/#respond Tue, 27 Aug 2024 14:51:24 +0000 https://landezine.com/?p=110326 Tench Reserve – Parks for People, won the 2024 NSW AILA Landscape Architecture Award for Parks & Open Space. Situated along the picturesque banks of the Nepean River, Tench Reserve stands as a testament to excellence in park design, community engagement, and sustainable development. Part of the NSW Government’s Parks for People program, this transformative […]]]> https://landezine.com/tench-reserve-nepean-river-parklands-by-context/feed/ 0 Former Deportation Station Bobigny by OKRA https://landezine.com/former-deportation-station-bobigny-by-okra/ https://landezine.com/former-deportation-station-bobigny-by-okra/#respond Tue, 27 Aug 2024 13:49:05 +0000 https://landezine.com/?p=109613 Memory in the CityA new memorial park revealing the history of the Deportation of Jews from FranceIn Bobigny, the landscape has been given a role as a narrator and curator of the history of the place. The complex layered history is depicted in a layered way similarly to what one would find in a memorial […]]]> https://landezine.com/former-deportation-station-bobigny-by-okra/feed/ 0 The Croft Garden by Practice Landscape https://landezine.com/the-croft-garden-by-practice-landscape/ https://landezine.com/the-croft-garden-by-practice-landscape/#respond Mon, 26 Aug 2024 19:09:28 +0000 https://landezine.com/?p=110237 The term croft refers to a small agricultural unit, usually an enclosed field, and is part of a tradition in which gardening plays an essential role. The Croft Garden centers and champions manifold species through horticulture amid a sea of single-crop rotation fields, by transforming a pole-barn into a walled garden. The walls of the […]]]> https://landezine.com/the-croft-garden-by-practice-landscape/feed/ 0 Still Alive by Wagon https://landezine.com/still-alive-by-wagon/ https://landezine.com/still-alive-by-wagon/#respond Tue, 13 Aug 2024 13:07:44 +0000 https://landezine.com/?p=101405 Today, we do not have other options than changing our attitude and habits in building cities. The waste from our cities should be seen as a resource in the making of the contemporary city. Still Alive proposes to present an aesthetic garden, using only materials from urban demolition. Waste from the city is used to […]]]> https://landezine.com/still-alive-by-wagon/feed/ 0 Green over Gray – The Land Bridge and Prairie in Memorial Park by NBWLA https://landezine.com/green-over-gray-the-land-bridge-and-prairie-in-memorial-park-by-nbwla/ https://landezine.com/green-over-gray-the-land-bridge-and-prairie-in-memorial-park-by-nbwla/#respond Fri, 19 Jul 2024 10:27:29 +0000 https://landezine.com/?p=109525 Memorial Park is a 1,464-acre park — one of the largest in the United States and the largest urban wilderness area in Houston. In 1955, the six-lane Memorial Drive was built, dissecting the park into two and making it difficult, if not impossible, for pedestrians to traverse the park, decreasing ecological resiliency, and disrupting habitats […]]]> https://landezine.com/green-over-gray-the-land-bridge-and-prairie-in-memorial-park-by-nbwla/feed/ 0 Shanghai Super Tube: The Cultural Metamorphosis of Infrastructure by FISH DESIGN https://landezine.com/shanghai-super-tube-the-cultural-metamorphosis-of-infrastructure-by-fish-design/ https://landezine.com/shanghai-super-tube-the-cultural-metamorphosis-of-infrastructure-by-fish-design/#respond Thu, 18 Jul 2024 16:34:59 +0000 https://landezine.com/?p=109490 As a large metropolis, Shanghai faces the dual challenge of inadequate quantity and low quality of public spaces, as well as the increasing demand for high-quality public spaces from the population, all within the constraints of high population density and limited environmental resources. In order to address these challenges, Shanghai has actively implemented urban renewal, […]]]> https://landezine.com/shanghai-super-tube-the-cultural-metamorphosis-of-infrastructure-by-fish-design/feed/ 0 Science Courtyard by Straub Thurmayr https://landezine.com/science-courtyard-by-straub-thurmayr/ https://landezine.com/science-courtyard-by-straub-thurmayr/#respond Thu, 18 Jul 2024 10:44:52 +0000 https://landezine.com/?p=109329 NON-STANDARD AMALGAM A good school needs more than teachers, books, and classrooms. Well-designed learning environments are indispensable prerequisites for a fruitful education. The University of Manitoba’s Science Courtyard on the Fort Garry Campus proves that students, faculty, and staff significantly benefit from an outdoor space that inspires imagination, generates resilience, fosters well-being, and performs as […]]]> https://landezine.com/science-courtyard-by-straub-thurmayr/feed/ 0 LOOPS – Changing Intensities by MBYland https://landezine.com/loops-changing-intensities-by-mbyland/ https://landezine.com/loops-changing-intensities-by-mbyland/#respond Fri, 12 Jul 2024 12:48:03 +0000 https://landezine.com/?p=109128 LOOPS youth hang-out and skate area has been developed for the school youth club and oldest students, aged 13-15, at a public school north of Aarhus. The layout includes a large undulating surface with multiple uses, interconnected in infinity loops that incorporate parkour, basketball, table tennis, skateboarding, and seating areas for small groups. This design […]]]> https://landezine.com/loops-changing-intensities-by-mbyland/feed/ 0 CP Vietnam Headquarters by LJ-Group https://landezine.com/cp-vietnam-headquarters-by-lj-group/ https://landezine.com/cp-vietnam-headquarters-by-lj-group/#respond Mon, 08 Jul 2024 10:10:22 +0000 https://landezine.com/?p=108909 CP Vietnam Head Office landscaping project is a dynamic and versatile extension of the office environment. Situated in Dong Nai, an industrial zone characterized by rapid development, the project addresses significant challenges related to environmental sustainability and quality of life. Therefore, the landscape design aims to mitigate the impact of the surroundings while providing ample […]]]> https://landezine.com/cp-vietnam-headquarters-by-lj-group/feed/ 0 Karens Minde Axis by Schønherr https://landezine.com/karens-minde-axis-by-schonherr/ https://landezine.com/karens-minde-axis-by-schonherr/#respond Sun, 07 Jul 2024 20:26:13 +0000 https://landezine.com/?p=109060 Summary Karens Minde Axis is an urban space project that combines rainwater retention with new urban spaces in solving challenges with both climate, biodiversity, and social inequality. During cloudbursts, water is transported 600 meters through a park on a yellow tile ”riverbed” functioning as a pathway and water-carrying element. The water runs over a Trickle […]]]> https://landezine.com/karens-minde-axis-by-schonherr/feed/ 0 Restoration of Sand and Gravel Pits in Lübeck-Kücknitz by TGP https://landezine.com/restoration-of-sand-and-gravel-pits-in-lubeck-kucknitz-by-tgp/ https://landezine.com/restoration-of-sand-and-gravel-pits-in-lubeck-kucknitz-by-tgp/#respond Sun, 07 Jul 2024 19:02:52 +0000 https://landezine.com/?p=108539 TGP Landschaftsarchitekten is overseeing the restoration of approximately 265,000 m² of former sand and gravel pits in Lübeck-Kücknitz. These pits were used for extraction for over 35 years. Now, without the use of fertilizers and pesticides, valuable biotopes are beginning to develop. Nutrient-poor sites are rare in our intensively farmed agricultural landscape, making this restoration […]]]> https://landezine.com/restoration-of-sand-and-gravel-pits-in-lubeck-kucknitz-by-tgp/feed/ 0 Von-der-Heydt-Platz, Wuppertal by TGP https://landezine.com/von-der-heydt-platz-wuppertal-by-tgp/ https://landezine.com/von-der-heydt-platz-wuppertal-by-tgp/#respond Sun, 07 Jul 2024 19:02:38 +0000 https://landezine.com/?p=108505 The reorganisation of Von-der Heydt-Platz follows the principle of a square within a square, a heaven of peace in the midst of a space for movement. The design forms a flowing urban space on Von-der Heydt-Platz, keeping in mind the ideal of the shopper-friendly pedestrian zone. The design concept for the city centre of Elberfeld […]]]> https://landezine.com/von-der-heydt-platz-wuppertal-by-tgp/feed/ 0 Airlie Park by DFLA https://landezine.com/airlie-park-by-dfla/ https://landezine.com/airlie-park-by-dfla/#respond Thu, 04 Jul 2024 17:58:52 +0000 https://landezine.com/?p=108868 Design Competition Airlie Park is the result of over 17 years of research, design and construction for the landscape architects, DFLA. The park owes its genesis to Foley & Salles Landscape Architects, a creative collaboration between Irish Landscape Architect Dermot Foley (DFLA) and French Landscape Architect Remi Salles, who won a prestigious international design competition […]]]> https://landezine.com/airlie-park-by-dfla/feed/ 0 The Warsaw Uprising Mound Park by topoScape https://landezine.com/the-warsaw-uprising-mound-park-by-toposcape/ https://landezine.com/the-warsaw-uprising-mound-park-by-toposcape/#respond Tue, 02 Jul 2024 13:44:19 +0000 https://landezine.com/?p=108827 The Warsaw Uprising Mound Park is the Fourth Nature refuge created on an anthropogenic hill. For years, this site served as a repository for the debris from Warsaw after the city was destroyed in World War II, gradually giving rise to an artificial hill that now stands 35 metres above the surrounding flat and marshy […]]]> https://landezine.com/the-warsaw-uprising-mound-park-by-toposcape/feed/ 0 Eemsdelta Campus by Felixx https://landezine.com/eemsdelta-campus-by-felixx/ https://landezine.com/eemsdelta-campus-by-felixx/#respond Sat, 29 Jun 2024 12:45:58 +0000 https://landezine.com/?p=108677 Back in 2015, research reports have shown that all 4 educational buildings in the Eemsdelta region, Groningen were exposed to safety risks due to the earthquakes as a result of natural gas extraction. Eemsdelta Campus, located in Appingedam, The Netherlands, is a groundbreaking project encompassing 4 secondary schools, a practical study program, and a sports […]]]> https://landezine.com/eemsdelta-campus-by-felixx/feed/ 0 Fort Isabella, Vught by MTD https://landezine.com/fort-isabella-vught-by-mtd/ Thu, 30 May 2024 14:34:53 +0000 https://landezine.com/?p=107051 Fort Isabella, part of the Linie 1629 and former barracks site, located between ‘s-Hertogenbosch and Vught, has had a somewhat hidden status for a long time. The Isabella Group had the ambition to redevelop the former Fort and barracks site into a unique, small-scale and leafy residential area, where vitality, quality of life and social […]]]> De Noordkade, Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht by MTD https://landezine.com/de-noordkade-hendrik-ido-ambacht-by-mtd/ Thu, 30 May 2024 14:33:45 +0000 https://landezine.com/?p=107029 De Noordkade, magnificently situated along the waters of the Noord, will become the meeting place of Ambacht. Every 10 minutes, the fast ferry from Rotterdam to Dordrecht docks at the quay, connecting Ambacht over the water with the Urban Region. MTD landscape architects has developed a master plan and layout plan for the entire quay […]]]> City Center, Tilburg by MTD https://landezine.com/city-center-tilburg-by-mtd/ Thu, 30 May 2024 11:30:00 +0000 https://landezine.com/?p=107081 The center of Tilburg is in full swing. To strengthen the core shopping area, an integral urban development plan and design plan for the public space developed has been developed in collaboration with the municipality of Tilburg, Wereldhave and the public planning team. Built-up developments and new streets are presented in a contemporary way and […]]]> Tactical Urbanism Trials by StudioPOD https://landezine.com/tactical-urbanism-trials-by-studiopod/ https://landezine.com/tactical-urbanism-trials-by-studiopod/#respond Tue, 14 May 2024 10:08:50 +0000 https://landezine.com/?p=106852 Saving Lives Through Tactical Urbanism Every year, approximately 150,000 people die on India’s roads, which translates to an average of 1,130 accidents and 422 deaths every day. With an objective of reducing the number of deaths on Indian roads, the SaveLIFE Foundation has launched a ‘Tactical Urbanism Trials project’. StudioPOD collaborated as the design lead […]]]> https://landezine.com/tactical-urbanism-trials-by-studiopod/feed/ 0 Public Spaces for the Dance House Helsinki by Nomaji https://landezine.com/public-spaces-for-the-dance-house-helsinki-by-nomaji/ https://landezine.com/public-spaces-for-the-dance-house-helsinki-by-nomaji/#respond Thu, 28 Mar 2024 16:33:26 +0000 https://landezine.com/?p=105764 Dance House Helsinki, a building dedicated to the art of dance, opened at the beginning of 2022. Dance House Helsinki is a major cultural project in the city that amplifies the already diverse range of events and the culture of the former industrial site of Cable Factory. As a result of the project, the environment […]]]> https://landezine.com/public-spaces-for-the-dance-house-helsinki-by-nomaji/feed/ 0 Surroundings Humboldt Forum by bbz https://landezine.com/surroundings-humboldt-forum-by-bbz/ Fri, 22 Mar 2024 14:48:14 +0000 https://landezine.com/?p=105234 The reconstruction of the City Palace fills a central void in Berlin’s historic city centre. The spatial structure in this area of the city will change fundamentally with the new building, which is intended to create space for art, science and communication as the Humboldt Forum. In place of the spacious Schlossplatz with its unclear […]]]> Outdoor facilities Milestone by bbz https://landezine.com/outdoor-facilities-milestone-by-bbz/ https://landezine.com/outdoor-facilities-milestone-by-bbz/#respond Fri, 22 Mar 2024 14:47:22 +0000 https://landezine.com/?p=105199 A continuous carpet of open spaces define the new neighbourhood of the former post office site and forms the elegant framework for a modern working environment. Three squares between the building blocks create different qualities and atmospheres: – The water surface as a retention well– The tree grove as a shade-providing green space– The rock […]]]> https://landezine.com/outdoor-facilities-milestone-by-bbz/feed/ 0 Skatepark Zadar by DOMS Architect https://landezine.com/skatepark-zadar-by-doms-architect/ https://landezine.com/skatepark-zadar-by-doms-architect/#respond Thu, 14 Mar 2024 11:52:05 +0000 https://landezine.com/?p=105031 Masterplan: The skatepark in Zadar has been planned as an integral component of the newly envisioned activity park “Novi Bokanjac”. The main concept for the whole area focuses on creating a serene environment with minimal impact on the existing natural surroundings. This project emphasizes the integration of spaces for diverse age groups, fitness levels, and […]]]> https://landezine.com/skatepark-zadar-by-doms-architect/feed/ 0 Bonteheuwel Town Centre Upgrade by Terra+ https://landezine.com/bonteheuwel-town-centre-upgrade-by-terra/ https://landezine.com/bonteheuwel-town-centre-upgrade-by-terra/#respond Wed, 13 Mar 2024 09:46:33 +0000 https://landezine.com/?p=104106 The primary goal of the Bonteheuwel Town Centre Upgrade was to transform Freedom Square into a multifunctional and inclusive space that serves the needs of the community. Key objectives included: Creating a comfortable and secure gathering space for the community to engage in various activities; Improving entrances, exits, routes, and parking areas for enhanced accessibility […]]]> https://landezine.com/bonteheuwel-town-centre-upgrade-by-terra/feed/ 0 BMRI – Biomedical Research Institute by Terra+ https://landezine.com/bmri-biomedical-research-institute-by-terra/ https://landezine.com/bmri-biomedical-research-institute-by-terra/#respond Wed, 13 Mar 2024 09:46:13 +0000 https://landezine.com/?p=104146 The overall landscape architecture concept for BMRI was to craft a modern, contemporary landscape, in harmony with Roelof Rabe Argitekte’s new building design, aimed at creating spaces that offer a significant reprise from the intense campus environment. Further to this concept it is recognized that it is within these outside spaces that social interaction takes […]]]> https://landezine.com/bmri-biomedical-research-institute-by-terra/feed/ 0 Wadanggari Park by Arcadia Landscape Architecture https://landezine.com/wadanggari-park-by-arcadia-landscape-architecture/ https://landezine.com/wadanggari-park-by-arcadia-landscape-architecture/#respond Fri, 08 Mar 2024 14:50:01 +0000 https://landezine.com/?p=104794 With a narrative based on the resilience of the Wadanggari (banksia), Wadangarri Park is the only park in Australia built over a railway line. Completed over live rail, adjacent to a major arterial road and bus-rail interchange and in close proximity to commercial and residential properties, this highly complex project is the result of innovative […]]]> https://landezine.com/wadanggari-park-by-arcadia-landscape-architecture/feed/ 0 The Crystals by paysarchitectures https://landezine.com/the-crystals-by-paysarchitectures/ https://landezine.com/the-crystals-by-paysarchitectures/#respond Wed, 06 Mar 2024 08:26:49 +0000 https://landezine.com/?p=104499 Restructuring of public space through aesthetic creation – Project management for the landscaping redevelopment of rue du Port and improvement of the paths of the Saint-Denis station center. Urban planning and aesthetic creation – “Work of art” and “development of public space”, our proposal is a sensitive, aesthetic and symbolic appropriation of the site of […]]]> https://landezine.com/the-crystals-by-paysarchitectures/feed/ 0  “Tra i Petri” by paysarchitectures https://landezine.com/tra-i-petri-by-paysarchitectures/ https://landezine.com/tra-i-petri-by-paysarchitectures/#respond Wed, 06 Mar 2024 08:26:23 +0000 https://landezine.com/?p=104444 After occupying the place for 500 years, the military recently left and the citadel became an urban place, a new district of Ajaccio. It is now in the process of mutating and “activating”. The work “Tra i petri” participates in this. Contemporary art for heritage – The Miollis citadel of Ajaccio is a monument-site, an […]]]> https://landezine.com/tra-i-petri-by-paysarchitectures/feed/ 0 Campus Albano by Nivå https://landezine.com/campus-albano-by-niva/ https://landezine.com/campus-albano-by-niva/#respond Mon, 05 Feb 2024 13:24:56 +0000 https://landezine.com/?p=103818 Albano, a former industrial area in the northern parts of Stockholm, has been transformed into a new university district. Strategically located between the Frescati Campus of Stockholm University, the Royal Institute of Technology and the Karolinska Institute, the new Campus Albano will effectively unite these institutions, constituting the central node in the Stockholm Science City […]]]> https://landezine.com/campus-albano-by-niva/feed/ 0 Stora Torget by Karavan landskapsarkitekter https://landezine.com/stora-torget-by-karavan-landskapsarkitekter/ https://landezine.com/stora-torget-by-karavan-landskapsarkitekter/#respond Fri, 19 Jan 2024 10:24:39 +0000 https://landezine.com/?p=103249 The project’s concept – “guldkant” (gilt edge) ‐ aims for the location to become a natural place to gather. The cornered and quadrangular square has been the starting point in the design. The quadrant, the very image of a square, marks the centre of the city. The square is designed to be open and a […]]]> https://landezine.com/stora-torget-by-karavan-landskapsarkitekter/feed/ 0 Godrej Rivergreens by StudioPOD https://landezine.com/godrej-rivergreens-by-studiopod/ https://landezine.com/godrej-rivergreens-by-studiopod/#respond Wed, 20 Dec 2023 14:48:32 +0000 https://landezine.com/?p=101445 Manjari Rivergreens: Mixed Use Masterplan and Public Open Space Rivergreens is a unique integrated township community, which is a paradigm shift in site planning and urban form-making in India, all of which is centred around a resilient landscape heart. The site at Manjari enjoys proximity to the river Mula-Mutha in Pune and its rich ecosystem. […]]]> https://landezine.com/godrej-rivergreens-by-studiopod/feed/ 0 Rainbow Square, Waregem by Sweco Belgium https://landezine.com/rainbow-square-waregem-by-sweco-belgium/ https://landezine.com/rainbow-square-waregem-by-sweco-belgium/#respond Fri, 15 Dec 2023 12:57:26 +0000 https://landezine.com/?p=102086 Until recently, this space was nothing more than an asphalted parking lot mainly related to the football stadium. With the arrival of an office building, a hotel, 2 apartment buildings, and the renovation of the football stadium, the site underwent a complete transformation from monofunctional (parking) to highly dynamic and flexible use. During home matches […]]]> https://landezine.com/rainbow-square-waregem-by-sweco-belgium/feed/ 0 Market Space Gavere by Sweco Belgium https://landezine.com/market-space-gavere-by-sweco-belgium/ https://landezine.com/market-space-gavere-by-sweco-belgium/#respond Fri, 15 Dec 2023 12:56:36 +0000 https://landezine.com/?p=102072 The Market as a Parking Lot 
 The former Market of Gavere mainly served as a parking lot. The pavement was diverse and in very poor condition, and there was no space to meet or stay. Pedestrians only had a meagre sidewalk along the facades… Transformation 
 In the redesign of the public space, and […]]]> https://landezine.com/market-space-gavere-by-sweco-belgium/feed/ 0 The Opera Park by Cobe https://landezine.com/the-opera-park-by-cobe/ https://landezine.com/the-opera-park-by-cobe/#respond Wed, 13 Dec 2023 13:03:35 +0000 https://landezine.com/?p=102259 In
a time of intense construction activity throughout Copenhagen, green recreational spaces have become more and more scarce. Yet, in the heart of the dense and historic city center, one of the inner harbor’s prime locations has not been developed, but transformed into a lush, green park island, featu- ring six gardens and a greenhouse. Situated […]]]> https://landezine.com/the-opera-park-by-cobe/feed/ 0 Valerius by Delva https://landezine.com/valerius-by-delva/ https://landezine.com/valerius-by-delva/#respond Tue, 12 Dec 2023 11:07:58 +0000 https://landezine.com/?p=102167 In the heart of Amsterdam’s Oud-Zuid neighbourhood, the stylish apartment complex Valerius is nestled in a new pocket park. The location of the new park, bounded by Valeriusstraat, Valeriusplein and Lassusstraat, is in the heart of Oud-Zuid – a neighbourhood in Amsterdam. The demolition of the old Valerius Clinic presented a unique opportunity: to combine […]]]> https://landezine.com/valerius-by-delva/feed/ 0 Shaul Park by BO Landscape Architects https://landezine.com/shaul-park-by-bo-landscape-architecture/ https://landezine.com/shaul-park-by-bo-landscape-architecture/#respond Sun, 03 Dec 2023 10:45:21 +0000 https://landezine.com/?p=101916 Secret of the Garden | On renovating Ramat Gan’s Shaul Park in the spirit of the historical garden “The garden was installed with a predetermined plan in mind, tailored to the area and the general natural landscape. On entering the garden, there is a lush carpet of green grass shaped like a pretty hill. Groups […]]]> https://landezine.com/shaul-park-by-bo-landscape-architecture/feed/ 0 East Village London – Plot 5 Playspace by Carve https://landezine.com/east-village-london-plot-5-playspace-by-carve/ https://landezine.com/east-village-london-plot-5-playspace-by-carve/#respond Wed, 18 Oct 2023 08:51:51 +0000 https://landezine.com/?p=100452 a hidden gem Our latest project, Plot 5 in East Village is a vibrant piece of public space in Stratford (UK). Its playful character is a true magnet for both visitors and residents in this new residential neighborhood. The space stretches between the building blocks, as a side track, but it still remains significant in […]]]> https://landezine.com/east-village-london-plot-5-playspace-by-carve/feed/ 0 Voldsløkka Secondary School by Østengen & Bergo AS https://landezine.com/voldslokka-secondary-school-by-ostengen-bergo-as/ https://landezine.com/voldslokka-secondary-school-by-ostengen-bergo-as/#respond Mon, 25 Sep 2023 10:16:14 +0000 https://landezine.com/?p=98225 Voldsløkka Secondary School is a green schoolyard where vegetation is used to create sheltered areas for activities and recreation, as well as smaller spaces within the vast schoolyard. The project was finished in 2023. Research shows that children benefit from green environments. Throughout their childhood and adolescence, they spend a significant number of hours at […]]]> https://landezine.com/voldslokka-secondary-school-by-ostengen-bergo-as/feed/ 0 Sluppen by Østengen & Bergo AS https://landezine.com/sluppen-by-ostengen-bergo-as/ https://landezine.com/sluppen-by-ostengen-bergo-as/#respond Mon, 25 Sep 2023 10:15:34 +0000 https://landezine.com/?p=98246 On the way up to Aurlandsfjellet, a mountain located in Norway, you’ll come across Sluppen. A resting area that offers your first glimpse of the majestic Vardahaugselvi waterfall and views of the surrounding mountains. The area is defined by a natural stone balustrade, inspired by the nearby river landscape. This balustrade seamlessly rises from the […]]]> https://landezine.com/sluppen-by-ostengen-bergo-as/feed/ 0 HUK by Østengen & Bergo https://landezine.com/huk-by-ostengen-bergo/ https://landezine.com/huk-by-ostengen-bergo/#respond Mon, 25 Sep 2023 10:15:01 +0000 https://landezine.com/?p=98301 Hukodden offers a unique geological landscape along the Oslo fjord. Fossil-bearing rock formations have granted the area protected status. At the same time, the area is one of Oslo’s most beloved bathing spots. The project aimed to improve access to the bathing ramp, bathing dock, and outdoor shower while preserving the rock formations. To achieve […]]]> https://landezine.com/huk-by-ostengen-bergo/feed/ 0 Tinel park by OMGEVING https://landezine.com/tinel-park-by-omgeving/ https://landezine.com/tinel-park-by-omgeving/#respond Fri, 22 Sep 2023 10:10:12 +0000 https://landezine.com/?p=99355 Location and purpose Tinel park is part of Mechelen’s ambitious garden and park plan. With this plan, the city is creating a green belt of parks which are only a few hundred metres apart. The new Tinel park is the northernmost park within the inner city, located next to the Tinellaan which is part of […]]]> https://landezine.com/tinel-park-by-omgeving/feed/ 0 Carl Nielsens Allé by WERK https://landezine.com/carl-nielsens-alle-by-werk/ https://landezine.com/carl-nielsens-alle-by-werk/#respond Mon, 18 Sep 2023 12:40:40 +0000 https://landezine.com/?p=99046 From Asphalt Jungle to New Oasis Previously, ‘Carl Nielsens Allé’ at Østerbro was a busy parking lot. Today, the place has been transformed into a lush urban space that the residents can enjoy every day. When it rains, the green oasis turns into a beautiful water basin, contributing to the area’s flood protection. The circular […]]]> https://landezine.com/carl-nielsens-alle-by-werk/feed/ 0 La Rotonda by Openfabric https://landezine.com/la-rotonda-by-openfabric/ https://landezine.com/la-rotonda-by-openfabric/#respond Tue, 29 Aug 2023 10:30:36 +0000 https://landezine.com/?p=98359 La Rotonda, in San Gregorio, has long-been an iconic spot of the Salento Coast, the most south-eastern tip of the Italian peninsula. Former small fisherman village, it offers a dramatic view over the coastline and, with is western orientation, a privileged viewpoint for contemplating the sunset over the Mediterranean.  The new Rotonda is a place […]]]> https://landezine.com/la-rotonda-by-openfabric/feed/ 0 The International Quarter London by Gustafson Porter + Bowman https://landezine.com/the-international-quarter-london-by-gustafson-porter-bowman/ https://landezine.com/the-international-quarter-london-by-gustafson-porter-bowman/#respond Wed, 23 Aug 2023 14:40:27 +0000 https://landezine.com/?p=92658 Located at the gateway to Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, International Quarter London is one of London’s largest new mixed-use developments. Gustafson Porter + Bowman’s landscape design covers the entire development and is comprised of a sequence of public realm spaces and plazas. From small and intimate gardens to large events areas, it is this flexibility […]]]> https://landezine.com/the-international-quarter-london-by-gustafson-porter-bowman/feed/ 0 Mitigation Park and Seaside Promenade by ELEMENTAL https://landezine.com/mitigation-park-and-seaside-promenade-by-elemental/ https://landezine.com/mitigation-park-and-seaside-promenade-by-elemental/#respond Mon, 24 Jul 2023 15:52:56 +0000 https://landezine.com/?p=97105 Against Geographical Threats, Provide Geographical Answers. On February 27th 2010, Chile was hit by an 8,8º Richter scale earthquake and tsunami. As many as 300,000 housing units were damaged; 500 people died, 100 of them in Constitución. The physical damage was followed by social unrest: people afraid of not having basic needs satisfied, started sackings […]]]> https://landezine.com/mitigation-park-and-seaside-promenade-by-elemental/feed/ 0 Betania Forest Garden by Ruderal https://landezine.com/betania-forest-garden-by-ruderal/ https://landezine.com/betania-forest-garden-by-ruderal/#respond Tue, 11 Jul 2023 15:27:38 +0000 https://landezine.com/?p=96835 At first glance, this garden completely ignores or even challenges all the dogmas of garden design 'by the book'. However, at a closer look, it offers a number of appropriate statements and manages to remain open to interpretations. The oversized stairs seem to have no excuse, yet they embody a sculptural dimension whilst providing seating in a peculiar grove of densely planted trees and shrubs. More importantly, the stairs lead out of the garden, through a small door in a wooden fence, into the forest, where a 'forest garden' ambience is achieved by almost nothing - a table and a hammock. There are several different dialogues between pastureland and forest, private and public, an object and its context, inside and outside, but above all, between a garden as a notion and its relation to the surroundings. The design seems to be based on questioning, yet it feels entirely confident at the same time. This garden is full of deliberate contradictions, contrasts, beautiful strangeness, and the jury was inspired by the scope of questions it poses with so little.]]> https://landezine.com/betania-forest-garden-by-ruderal/feed/ 0 Girondins Development Area – Lyon by BASE https://landezine.com/girondins-development-area-lyon-by-base/ https://landezine.com/girondins-development-area-lyon-by-base/#respond Mon, 19 Jun 2023 10:10:22 +0000 https://landezine.com/?p=95171 The Girondins concerted development area is a new urban area to the north of the Gerland district of over 17.5 hectares (with a building to plot ratio of 1.58). This urban development is part of an urban patchwork between the dense urban centre and the industrial part of the city. The project involves taking into […]]]> https://landezine.com/girondins-development-area-lyon-by-base/feed/ 0 San Clemente Valley by Pool Landscape https://landezine.com/san-clemente-valley-by-pool-landscape/ https://landezine.com/san-clemente-valley-by-pool-landscape/#respond Fri, 12 May 2023 10:06:12 +0000 https://landezine.com/?p=92842 San Clemente Valley is a rural area between the provinces of Ancona and Macerata, in the hinterland of the Marche Region. Like many inland areas, this territory is subject to depopulation and abandonment phenomena, due to multiple and complex reasons (lack of infrastructure, lack of large urban centers, less availability of services…). In this context, […]]]> https://landezine.com/san-clemente-valley-by-pool-landscape/feed/ 0 Finestrelles Planning in Esplugues de Llobregat by Batlleiroig https://landezine.com/finestrelles-planning-in-esplugues-de-llobregat-by-batlleiroig/ https://landezine.com/finestrelles-planning-in-esplugues-de-llobregat-by-batlleiroig/#respond Fri, 05 May 2023 17:11:00 +0000 https://landezine.com/?p=94623 Modification of the General Metropolitan Plan, Partial Plan and Urbanization Project od the Sector Affected by the Burying of the Power Lines The planning completes the growth of Esplugues de Llobregat and configures a new green gate that connects the city and the Collserola Natural Park. The Finestrelles sector, of the Partial Urban Plan in […]]]> https://landezine.com/finestrelles-planning-in-esplugues-de-llobregat-by-batlleiroig/feed/ 0 Arcloud by Carve https://landezine.com/arcloud-by-carve/ https://landezine.com/arcloud-by-carve/#respond Thu, 16 Feb 2023 12:05:00 +0000 https://landezine.com/?p=101000 A new public realm for the Arcloud Shopping Mall in Hanam Gamil Arcloud is a large mixed-use development located at the foot of the Geomdansan mountain on the eastern edge of Seoul. The entire development – a mix of larger housing blocks, single family units, commercial, recreational, and educational facilities – is physically tied together […]]]> https://landezine.com/arcloud-by-carve/feed/ 0 Grønttorvsparken by 1:1 Landskab https://landezine.com/gronttorvet-by-11-landskab/ https://landezine.com/gronttorvet-by-11-landskab/#respond Fri, 25 Mar 2022 11:32:00 +0000 http://landezine.com/?p=74599 For more than half a century, Grønttorvet was a market square where people bought and sold fruit, vegetables and flowers. Today the site has been transformed into the heart of a new neighborhood in Copenhagen; Grønttorvsparken. It is built around three elements: the orchard, lawn and promenade. We have preserved the construction of the old […]]]> https://landezine.com/gronttorvet-by-11-landskab/feed/ 0 Carlshage and Siegbahnsparken by Karavan landskapsarkitekter https://landezine.com/carlshage-and-siegbahnsparken-by-karavan-landskapsarkitekter/ https://landezine.com/carlshage-and-siegbahnsparken-by-karavan-landskapsarkitekter/#respond Mon, 18 Jan 2021 08:35:27 +0000 http://landezine.com/?p=56333 The city of Uppsala is growing and the urban structure is being densified. What used to be a golf course and an old shooting range with lawns and forest islets is now being developed into a residential area, planned for 3500 new housing units. Rosendal is located close to the inner city and bordered by […]]]> https://landezine.com/carlshage-and-siegbahnsparken-by-karavan-landskapsarkitekter/feed/ 0 Tianjin Eco-City by Grant Associates https://landezine.com/tianjin-eco-city-by-grant-associates/ https://landezine.com/tianjin-eco-city-by-grant-associates/#respond Fri, 05 May 2017 10:01:48 +0000 http://www.landezine.com/?p=37136 The Sino-Singapore Friendship Park in Tianjin Eco-City celebrates the strong relationship that exists between Singapore and China, welcoming visitors of all ages. Recognising the vital role that public parks play in allowing people to enjoy a rich variety of experiences in nature, Friendship Park’s design is built around spatial opposites – water and land, nature […]]]> https://landezine.com/tianjin-eco-city-by-grant-associates/feed/ 0