Influences of the digital market, a changed behaviour in mobility, demographic shifts and changes in migration will have a direct impact on the future function of many of our inner cities. The relevance of this question for the future of small and medium sized cities is already apparent. The Garden show in Burg (Sachsen-Anhalt) was to set themselves a goal: to strengthen the city centre as the ideal structural reference space as well as redesign structural reference space and redesigning the current landscape structures. In addition to this, the historical parks currently found within the town such as Goethepark and Flickschupark will be revitalized. The Weinberg and the Ihlegärten are located in-between these two parks. This area became a new public space as part of the old town. With all these parks, the network of urban spaces within Burg was planned and developed together in its context. Fallow land and existing green spaces were used to provide positive impulses in the process of urban change. New pathway links have been expanded and opened up for a variety of uses. The spaces which were in danger of losing their meaning and function have now been transformed to spaces which are relevant for the urban life.
New uses have been created for the historical open spaces of the Goethe and Flickschu Park which are important for the identity of the city. The design context of the Goethepark was regained by reinterpreting lost decorative elements and park areas. The public space in front of the station is included in this with a monolithic stone fountain and a sculptural designed pavilion. The adjoining former building yard area was transformed into a woodland playground with flowing path structures introducing a new range of activities. The Flickschupark formulates the transition to the river landscape of the Ihle. The banks of the Flickschuteich were made accessible by a stone footbridge and flat natural stone steps. A viewpoint and hillside playground were created within the meadow spaces of the park creating a powerful spatial structure with a wide range of uses. The park areas of the Weinberg and the Ihlegärten create exceptional spaces within the oldtown that follows the river Ihle. On the steep slopes of the newly planted vineyard, a balcony was constructed which gives a unique view onto the city.
With its parcel structure, the Ihlegärten visualize the plot boundaries of the earlier development of this inner-city area. Through this, they are able to maintain the spatial density and heterogeneity of the urban quarter and create garden spaces that can accommodate different, changing uses.
Office: relais Landschaftsarchitekten with Mark Krieger Pflanzungen
Client: Stadt Burg
Competition: 2013
Completion: April 2018
Area: 139.000 m²
Photos: Hanns Joosten