designed by /

Location / CopenhagenDenmark — Type / Squares and Plazas — Built / 2011 Show on Google Maps / Published on January 16, 2012

1:1 LANDSKAB: The square is dominated by two strong elements; a large iron sculpture consisting of all 28 letters in the Danish alphabet as homage to Dan Turèll’s work and a 47 meter long curved light green bench framing the square. The bench refers to the authors stays in Paris and is a democratic statement. Textured concrete tiles specially produced for this project creates a clean and refined base for the elements and a big existing Linden tree plus two rows of trees, one new and one existing provides shade and shelter. Furthermore a big solitary tree is placed outside the library. The tree is surrounded by a big round bench, to mark the connection between the library’s large collection of works by Dan Turèll and selected quotes and significant sentences are elegantly carved in metal tiles outside the library.

The Sculpture

The alphabet and punctuation marks was Turèll’s tools and his whole expression as a poet, writer, lecturer, and not least social critic. Therefore it is obvious to use these as components in a sculpture in memory of his work and contribution to the Danish culture, literature and society. The letters are produced in corteen steel and are 1-3,5 meters tall, standing on a plinth that can be used for informal sitting on a warm day. The placement of the different letters creates a ‘semitransparent’ sculpture with changing appearances according to the weather and shadows.

The Pavement

The paving consists of a combination of dark concrete tiles of varying sizes with a wooden plank texture. The tiles are abrupted with a pattern of narrow corteen steel strips. The contrast between the two materials is interplay of the somewhat crude and modern expression of the steel and the more classical and elegant looks of the textured concrete. The same words are suitable to use in a description of Dan Turèll as a public person and we have tried to frame an expression that reflects these contrasts. What has also been important was to find a pavement that could create a subtle base for the sculpture, while being expressive and suitable for the Vangede location.

The Bench

Framing and facing the sculpture the long curved green bench is another significant element on the square. Dan Turèll was 47 years when he died and the length of the bench, 47 meters, is a tribute to his short but significant life. The bench contributes with a strong identity for the site and the design and special color are inspired by the public benches from Paris, a city Turèll visited many times during his life. The idea behind the long bench is “that no one can conquer the bench” – it is one long conversation bench where there is room for everyone dispite age, culture and status.

The Vegetation

The two straight lines of the bench are flanked by tree lines. Towards the bigger road the tree row consists of the existing chestnut trees and along the west side of the square we have planted rowan. The bird rowan is chosen due to the close distance to the neighboring house and being a medium sized flowering tree the bird cherry trees will contribute with lushness and variability to the square.

The Lights

The line of trees to the west marks a connection and is therefore illuminated by park lighting. The selected lamps emit a light beam that makes one think of the detective novels written by Dan Turèll.

Authors: 1:1 LANDSKAB, NIRAS A/S
Location: DAN TURÉLLS SQUARE, Vangede, Denmark
Client: Gentofte Kommune/ Realdania
Completion: 2011
Area: 1.300 m2
Photos: 1:1 Landskab and Anders Hviid

2 thoughts on "DAN TURÉLLS SQUARE by 1:1 Landskab, Niras A/S"

  1. adam says:

    great bench! does anyone use it?

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