Book – Project Process Park by MARELD

The book – Process Prototype Park – gives an overview of the work of team MARELD & atelier le balto in Jubileumsparken, Gothenburg since 2016.
Jubileumsparken is one of the city’s largest park projects and a fantastic way to celebrate Gothenburg’s 400th anniversary in 2021. The design of Jubileumsparken runs on two parallel tracks. Firstly, a series of temporary parks and installations have been set up during several public workshops dating back to 2014. Secondly, the first part of a permanent park will be completed in late 2021.
The book focuses on three of the projects team MARELD & atelier le balto collaborated on. These are: 1) the master plan and strategy for Jubileumsparken as a whole, 2) the design and construction of the temporary Shoreline Park, and 3) the design of Play & Learn Park.
To us, it has been a fantastic journey of sharing knowledge, philosophy, and design principles that we’ve thoroughly documented and now published in print. Jubileumsparken as a whole is a park collage created by tens of artists, architects and landscape architects, hundreds of volunteers, and thousands of visitors. It is a collaboration between several disciplines, interest groups and actors. By no means does this book cover all of the aspects involved in the inception and realisation of the project, but it does encapsulate the essence of Jubileumsparken, which is about experimentation, public participation, and collaboration. It also shows what the park represents to us — a manifestation of urban wilderness in design and spirit.
Published on February 28, 2022
Where can I get the book please?