July 18 / Competition for Conceptual Design of the Forest Park in Podgorica

Capital city Podgorica announces a public call for conceptual design of the Forest Park in Lješkopoljska Gorica in Podgorica.
This Competition aims to achieve a comprehensive vision for the Forest Park Gorica that, through the transformation of underutilized spaces and innovative landscape-architectural solutions, will support the existing green infrastructure and drive the future vision for a climate-resilient city, where ecological elements will raise the quality of life of its residents.
The main objective of the competition is the development of a conceptual design for the Gorica Forest Park in Lješkopolje, Podgorica.
The primary goal of the competition is to obtain the best conceptual landscape-architectural design for the Lješkopoljska Gorica Forest Park, which will serve as the basis for development of the Main design.
Ideas submitted to the competition are expected to include:
– Emphasized ecological aspect – the focus should be on a design that embraces nature, ensuring that the future Forest Park promotes biodiversity and enhances ecosystem health. Priority should be given to the restoration of local flora and fauna, contributing to the goal of nature conservation and improving the quality of life in the city;
– Improve landscape linkages – emphasize connection of the Forest Park with the surrounding landscape, taking into account topography, surrounding river, hills, and urban fabric. It is important to identify all potential pedestrian and habitat linkages to develop trail networks and green corridors. Design viewpoints that allow for experiencing the natural and urban landscapes of Podgorica;
– Sustainability and climate change focus – Incorporate sustainable practices, nature-based solutions and green infrastructure to mitigate and adapt to climate change effects, such as urban heat island.
– Forest Park identity and program – design a flexible and adaptable space that can accommodate various activities and events throughout the year. Avoid planning elements that detract from the ecological focus, such as pre-programmed attractions and artificial structures. Instead, envision activities that entail a deeper connection with nature, support the local ecosystem, and respects cultural heritage.
– Community engagement – Foster community engagement and social cohesion through inclusive design features and programming. Forest Park shall be universally accessible for people of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds. Anticipate facilities that enable educational and cultural events and promote ecological awareness.
Participants are expected to present a vision for transformation of the area into a natural oasis, embodying contemporary landscape-architectural approach to restore natural and ecological harmony in an urban environment, and adapt to climate change effects. With greater biomass the goals are multifold: to achieve higher carbon sequestration, habitat creation, and increase biodiversity.
The establishment of the Lješkopoljska Gorica Forest Park aims to contribute to the unique Greenery System of Podgorica and strengthen the city’s green infrastructure. Additionally, the conceptual design should serve as a model for further consideration of projects for urban afforestation in Podgorica and the entire country.
The members of the competition jury are:
1. Vladimir Đurović, landscape architect, expert member;
2. Nenad Ravnić, architect, expert member;
3. Jakov Lopušina, architect, representative of the Montenegrin Chamber of Engineers;
4. Vuk Marković, landscape architect, expert member;
5. Duška Mačić, architect, representative of the competition organizer.
The jury will award first, second , third prize and three honourable mentions as follows:
I prize – EUR 25,000.00
II prize – EUR 12,000.00
III prize – EUR 6,000.00
Three honourable mentions EUR 2,000.00 each.
Competition deadlines:
Deadline for submission of entries is 23:59h (local Montenegro time) on Thursday, July 18th, 2024.
The results of the Competition will be announced by Friday, August 9th, 2024.
Following the decision of the Jury and submission of the Final report of the Jury, the Competition Announcer shall publish the results of the Competition on the official website of the Glavni grad Podgorica and www.architecturalcompetitions.me.
Competition documents download:
Godina 2024. | Glavni grad Podgorica
Published on April 23, 2024