20-21 September / International Meeting: Landscape Festival, Bergamo, IT

The 13th edition of the Landscape Festival, titled Facing the Crisis, organized by Arketipos, will be held at Teatro Sociale in Bergamo, Italy, and will be accompanied by the international meeting.
The opening will be followed by speakers, including Catherine Mosbach, who designed this year’s exhibition garden.
Speakers include practitioners from all over the globe, from UK’s Arit Anderson, and Andrew Grant from GRANT Associates, Australian Damian Holmes and Andrew Laidlaw, Tony Spencer from Canada, Arthur Adeya from Kenya, Yoonjin Park from South Korean PARKKIM Studio, Amelia Robredo from Uruguay and Herbert Dreideitl from Germany and Marghartia Brianza from Italian PARCNOVEAU.
The installation by Catherine Mosbach can be visited in the Green Square (Piazza Vecchia) in front of the theatre, for which she took inspiration from merging the mineral with vegetal matter. Installation includes 52 trees and 3000 herbaceous plants and perennials, that fight to overcome the soil conditions alluding to climate and social crisis.
Published on September 15, 2024