Editor's Choice

BUGA 05 Playground

designed by /

Location / GermanyMunich — Type / Playgrounds — Built / 2005 Show on Google Maps / Published on July 20, 2009

Playgrounds usually consist of pre-fabricated elements, which are A-Z tested and thousand times certified by various organizations; well that is the easiest (but not cheapest) way of doing it. Prof. Schmidt designed a landscape, without typical playground elements just with combining two materials / colors (tartan and grass) and with modification of terrain. Landscape as it is provokes children to play and jump around and up and down.

Aerial photo of the playground was taken by Klaus Leidorf, check his other photos on his blog or personal website.

Landscape Architecture: Rainer Schmidt Landschaftsarchitekten
Location: BUGA garden show 2005 / Munich / Germany

11 thoughts on "BUGA 05 Playground by Rainer Schmidt Landschaftsarchitekten"

  1. Jeff Gonot says:

    Very cool, there is a place like this in Quebec, Canada. The project is Safe Zone, 7th International Gardens Festival, Reford Gardens, Grand-Metis.

    The design is by StoSS Landscape Urbanism.

  2. Anni says:

    What material is the red one? Can anyone tell me?

  3. Sophie Hauser says:

    I think this is incredible, I would also like to know what material the red bit is, I think playgrounds should be like this every where.

  4. jotaro says:

    from jumping up and down on the material a couple of weeks back, it’s some sort of soft rubber. very springy, it would probably be fun to fall off a skateboard onto that.

  5. jotaro says:

    just to clarify: it’s the same kind of stuff you get on most fall-safe play spaces.

    it would be great if Landezine actually covered the rest of the area – the 3 other square parks, as well as the expansive Riemer Park by Latitude Nord!

  6. It is a double layer playground protective surface (shredded tire rubber as base layer and EPDM as top layer) with same modification. We reduced the amount of urethane binder and used longer fiber in the base layer to get it softer than usual, The thickness of the layer is changing as well to create different softness on top and bottom. The material is poured on place on an asphalt base forming the basic layout and slope.
    All layers are water permeable.

    The edges are created from very flexible bendable steel, usually used in car manufacturing for dumpers of trucks, we just needed to cover the sharp edge on the top by an additional u-shape edge trim.

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