Editor's Choice

Invisible Bridge

designed by /

Location / Slovenia — Type / Bridges and Piers — Built / 2010Unbuilt — Published on May 2, 2012

Landscape Architecture: Scapelab
Project: Invisible Bridge
Type: Comission
Client: Private
Year: 2010
Location: Bled, Slovenia
Project team: Marko Studen, Matic Blatnik, Miha Brezavscek


4 thoughts on "Invisible Bridge by Scapelab"

  1. Pekmez says:

    this looks fun, i would definitely try to walk on it

  2. Antoine Gamache says:

    Its seems pretty amazing, I hope its will be realize ! Innovation in Landscape
    architecture is always a good things

  3. saeed says:

    its a poem
    very lovely

  4. Brodsky and Utkin’s “A bridge for real travellers” never meant to escape “paper” (speaking of digital images), but if it did, the island archetype in Bled would be a perferct choice?

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