The renovated heart of Waalwijk has opened spectacularly with a professional fountain show. Burobol designed a lively city center for the municipality of Waalwijk, in which the two squares, the Raadhuisplein and the Markt, are brought back to separated squares with their own ambience. The modest design of the Raadhuisplein emphasizes the historic architecture of architect Kropholler. The Market is greened and strengthened as a square for terrace and lounging by applying tree benches with wooden seats, perennials and various trees with a high nectar value. Burobol used a residual product for the pavement; left over rubble stones from the production of granite products. The free fracture shape is laid in different hues in a leather texture inspired pattern. Rainwater is stored underneath the pavement and available at any time for a variety of standard and multi-trunk planted trees. For this project Burobol designed custom made tree benches in close collaboration with Grijsen street furniture, the project-specific lighting is designed by Arjen vd Cruijsen and Elshout & van den Bont was the overall contractor.
Landscape architecture: Burobol
Other designers involved in the design of landscape: Arjen vd Cruijsen (light)
Project location: Raadhuisplein, Waalwijk, The Netherlands
Design year: 2020-2021
Year Built: 2021-2022
Photographer: LEEF Fotografie
Manufacturer of urban equipment: Grijsen straatmeubilair, Rots maatwerk