Editor's Choice

Nature & Recreation Area De Punt Ouddorp

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Location / The Netherlands — Type / Cultural HeritageForestNature PathsWaterfronts — Built / 2015 Show on Google Maps / Published on June 6, 2023

Rough ecologies and straight lines

Nature & recreation area De Punt Ouddorp

Strategic interventions in uniform woodland

The current woodland of De Punt is dense and uniform. Little spatial variety and ecologically relatively uninteresting. But with a lot of potential! On strategic locations, BoschSlabbers intervened in the woodlands of De Punt, to create more clarity. Think of transformation of existing woods into a more defined woodland experience, excavation of a bunker complex and a pool, and the creation of a flower dike.

An cultural-historical experience

De Punt was created after the closing of the Grevelingendam in 1971. As the tides disappeared, the wind created small sand drifts, and eventually a new dune landscape. In 1974, de Punt van Goeree was landscaped as a recreational nature area with a visitor centre and parklands. Large woodlands were planted, complemented in the 80’s by the digging of five dune lakes. After completion, hardly anything changed, and the regular processes of nature took their course.

The Province of Zuid-Holland commissioned BoschSlabbers to make a design for the recreational area of De Punt. The emphasis for the design is on enhancement of cultural history and the experience of nature.

Stimulating the senses as well as ecology

The woodlands will become more interesting for visitors and for flora and fauna. It will stimulate the senses; it will provide more excitement and will offer visitors more. It will be transformed to allow the public to experience the area better: a natural area for both people and ecology.

Point of departure is the restructuring of six hectares of woodlands to create open water, more differentiated woodland and an open meadow. The entire area will have better access, to enhance the experience, but with a purposeful zoning of recreational use and protection of more vulnerable areas.

Digging the new pool means that a considerable volume of soil is available. This soil will be used to shape one of the major lines in the woodlands: the flower dike. The pool creates an ecologically interesting area, a thin freshwater lens on top of brackish groundwater. The design was further developed with a concrete landscaping plan. As a whole, it made De Punt more attractive, in terms of the ecological and recreational value of the woodlands, which can now live up to expectations.

Excavated bunker complex

On De Punt, German forces built a heavy infantry foothold in WW2. The location was strategically very important: its guns covered the entrance of the Grevelingen between Goeree and Schouwen. The bunker complex, Widerstandsnest 220 H (de Punt), now consists of 15 bunkers open to the public. The bunkers have been excavated and connected via a bunker route, furnished with detailed information panels. On Bunker day and Open Monument Day, tours of the complex are on offer. Do not be scared of German soldiers!

Rare ecologies

On the higher grounds of De Punt, plants such as fireweed, fleabane, bird’s-foot trefoil and hemp-agrimony grow. Shrubs that thrive here are sea buckthorn, elderberry, brambles, privet and spindle. Numerous water bird species come here to drink, forage and breed. Observation screens have been placed to enable birdwatching, including an observation hut in the woods that looks out across the mudbanks of De Kil and the Preekhilpolder. At the eastern edge, a beach has been created for recreational use.

Project Data

Landscape Architecture: BoschSlabbers
Design year: 2011-2014
Year Built: 2014-2015
Photographer: BoschSlabbers, Jeroen Musch
Client: Province of Zuid-Holland, Natuur- en Recreatieschap de Grevelingen

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