Skärgårdsträdgård, the Archipelago Garden

designed by /

Location / StockholmSweden — Type / Gardens — Built / 2020 — Published on January 8, 2024

This private garden, situated in the beautiful archipelago of Stockholm, was designed with the intention to gently integrate the constructed and the delicate natural surroundings. By making it blend seamlessly with its environment, the aim was to preserve the qualities of the landscape and cherish the character of the archipelago. A strive for the construction process to leave no trace when the house and garden are completed, and the site is restored.

The landscape is varied with exposed rock, pine forest, oak groves, and long outlooks over the sea. The plot is a place with significant topographic qualities that contribute to dividing the whole into smaller pieces where different landscape types and gardens take shape.

Materials and plant choices are carefully selected to harmonize with what already exists on-site. Vertically constructed elements contrast to the soft lines of the landscape. The zones closest to the houses are more clearly shaped by human hands, gradually dissolving further out, becoming more organic to lastly seamlessly merging with the surrounding landscape.

A collaborative process and exchange of knowledge between the gardener, craftsmen, building architect, and landscape architect have in this project led to added value for the client and created something beyond the ordinary.

Project Data

Landscape Architecture: LAND arkitektur

Team LAND arkitektur: Alf Orvesten, Camilla Doms, Marta Wännman, Alice Hammar.

Client: Private

Other designers involved in the design of the landscape: Gipp arkitektur (building), Vagn Ekeroth Trädgårdsutveckling (gardening)

Project Location: Stockholm archipelago

Year completed: 2020

Photo credits: Ulf Lundin

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