Stora Torget

designed by /

Location / SwedenUppsala — Type / Squares and PlazasWater features — Built / 2023 Show on Google Maps / Published on January 19, 2024

The project’s concept – “guldkant” (gilt edge) ‐ aims for the location to become a natural place to gather. The cornered and quadrangular square has been the starting point in the design. The quadrant, the very image of a square, marks the centre of the city.

The square is designed to be open and a flexible place for versatile use. There is space for art exhibitions, markets, outdoor dining, and temporary events.

The square is also given new functions that promote togetherness and public life; a design that gives Stora Torget a contemporary form. A furnished frame with trees, seatings, lighting poles and flower urns is placed on the square. A mosaic of red, black and light granite provides an experience of care in the seating zone where you can stop for rest and gatherings. The furnished frame becomes a protected zone and visually marks the centre of the city.

The square, besides the furnished frame, is designed with some key features. A stone with a water feature, acting as a seat or stage when the water is off, and a bronze sculpture placed in the southwest corner of the square. The old candelabra previously located in the squares centre also has a new place, after a public vote, in the northeast corner of the square where it can be experienced up close.

The trees added to the square, will provide seasonal variation, shade and an improved microclimate. Five new cherry trees give the square blossoms in the spring, colour in autumn and Christmas lights in the winter. The square is furnished with both sofas and armchairs besides four larger pieces of furniture that face all directions and invites people to sit together.

New lighting is proposed over the entire square to highlight the square in the evening and increase comfort. Featuring eight new masts in the furnished frame with the ability to illuminate the space.

They will also be equipped with speakers and electrical outlets to simplify events. Effect lighting marks temporary holidays and the square’s facades are supplemented with a customized, uniform lantern that gives atmosphere and character.

All the existing paving with granite slabs is reused but rearranged in a new pattern and supplemented with new stone. The square gets new ground heating, and all entrances are reviewed for improved accessibility. The street is paved with cobblestones like neighbouring streets and the asphalt on the city’s most central square is removed.

Project Data

Landscape architects: Karavan landskapsarkitekter 

Other designers involved in the design:

– Lighting by: Light Bureau
– Art by Katja Larsson
– Trafic planning/infrastructure: by Structor

Project Location: Stora torget, Uppsala, Sweden
Year Built: 2023
Client: Uppsala municipality
Photos: Jann Lipka

The Streetview may show the condition before the intervention

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