Practice Landscape works with the living environment as designers, researchers, and gardeners. Our work encompasses a range of scales and landscape types, from regional landscape adaptations to large public parks, to intimate gardens and private landscapes. Practice Landscape was started in 2006 by Rosetta S. Elkin and has prioritized garden-making, public exhibition, open access publishing, and horticultural research for nearly two decades.

Practice Landscape collaborates with those who share a deep respect for the land and a commitment to ethical land management. We relish working with people and institutions across a spectrum of disciplines and scales and take seriously the role of collaborator. Rather than working from a centralized office, we prioritize meeting on site because we want to meet your land. This means engagement with the landscapes we are designing for and the people who care for them.

The way we work is ever evolving because to practice is to repeat, to do, to act. It encompasses action and embraces momentum.

Plants first. We believe that the most meaningful landscapes emerge from a strategy of prioritizing plants as living individuals.

Design for the land you are on. Practice Landscape designs site specific landscapes, working with the existing conditions, while designing for change.

Landscape is a process not a product. We work with landscapes over time, on landscape time.

Little things add up. From daily acts in the garden, to the sourcing of local seed, and how we engage with the people who care for the land, little things add up and amount to change.

Practice Landscape often works from the very early stages of project development through design and long-term maintenance planning. This includes the creation of Request for Proposal documents (RFPs), ecological assessment, long-term planning and stewardship, and project scoping, fundraising and advocacy.

Published on October 2, 2024

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